

In addition to classes and retreats we also offer a range of evening programs. These are called Satsangs and provide an opportunity to meet together and explore a range of topics related to yoga practice and theory. Teachers, students, friends and family members are all welcome. Our Satsangs are held on Saturday evenings. In recent years they have been held on a regular basis in private homes. They provide an opportunity to mix socially in a relaxed and informal setting.  

The program consists of a short period of chanting, a presentation, and short meditation. The program is followed by a shared vegetarian supper. We have also held film discussion nights. The evening programs are attended by regular practitioners and those new to yoga. The presentations are led by senior yoga teachers and international guests.

For more information on the next Satsang contact Anandi on 0419 340 684 or email:

Here is what some people have said:
“Having not attended a Satsang in the past, I really wasn’t sure what to expect, and I was pleasantly surprised. A stand out for me was bringing the local yoga community together to spend relaxed time to get to know one another”.
“Very congenial atmosphere, good chanting, good chance to view the Swami Satchidinanda video, inspiring talk, good company”.

Some of the topics covered in past evening programs have included:
Yoga in Everyday Life
Building a spiritual practice
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Meditation
Yoga For Emotional & Mental Wellbeing & Resilience
Letting Go to Greater Happiness
What Is a Guru & Do We Need One?
Hardwiring our Brains for Happiness – neuroplasticity and taking in the good
How to stay ON the mat during winter
Yoga as Service
Applying non-violent communication in our lives
Exploring the keys to help us unlock the difficult doorways in life
Supporting our Yoga Practices during summer
Our Spiritual Anatomy
Yoga For Managing Our Emotions
Inviting Silence
Work, Love, Lunch and Laundry: Experiencing our True Peace and Bliss in Everyday Life