Integral Yoga®

The word “Yoga” means union or yoke in the ancient Sanskrit language. Integral Yoga® synthesises the various branches of Yoga into a comprehensive lifestyle system. The aim is to promote harmonious development of every aspect of the individual. Each of the six branches of Integral Yoga are powerful tools to gain self-mastery. When combined to effect the whole being, the results are at once subtle, profound and measurable.

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The Six Branches of Integral Yoga®

Hatha Yoga
Focuses on the physical aspects through asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), mudras (energy seals), kriyas (clearing practices), yogic diet, and deep relaxation.

Raja Yoga
Balance and control of the mind through ethical practices, concentration and meditation.

Bhakti Yoga
The path of devotion, by constant love, thought, and service of the Divine. Bhakti Yoga can be practiced by everyone. All that is needed is faith and constant remembrance of the Divine.

Karma Yoga
The path of action and selfless service. Serving without attachment to the fruits (or results) of the action.

Jnana Yoga
The intellectual approach. Through the knowledge of what really exists, that is, what is not changeable, one who engages in the Path of Wisdom realises Oneness with the entire Universe.

Japa Yoga
Japa means repetition of a mantram—a sound structure of one or more syllables which represents a particular aspect of the Divine Vibration.

Origins of Integral Yoga

Integral Yoga helped pioneer the introduction of Yoga to the western world 50 years ago. Yoga master Swami Satchidananda came to New York and shared his teachings, which promote an easeful body, a peaceful mind, and a useful life. He taught that selfless service and interfaith understanding were essential for a peaceful world.

The concept of Integral Yoga is to bring the teachings of yoga into all aspects of our lives by showing us how yoga can be a part of the way that we can act in the world. One example of this is in the area of health and wellbeing, the teachings demonstrate how illness can be remedied and prevented by applying yoga practices and philosophy to stress management, exercise, nutrition and self-knowledge. This holistic approach has sparked a revolution in evidence-based Yoga therapy treatment programs for cancer, heart disease, immune diseases, physical disabilities, PTSD, addictions, and more.

Swami Satchidananda lectured widely on the healing power of yoga and opened the first vegetarian health food stores in New York and Virginia. The teachings of IY have inspired integrative health pioneers like Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr Michael Lerner and Dr. Mehmet Oz and advanced our understanding of the mind-body connection. Integral Yoga practitioners are inspired to live with gratitude and reverence for our planet, to use natural organic products and be earth-friendly in all activities.